Humankind faces big challenges: reducing poverty, combating climate change and ensuring healthcare accessibility. We believe analytics can play an important role in finding solutions, since data analytics was successfully applied by commercial companies already, and it has improved performance by 10% to 15%. We work on a non-profit basis and use the same techniques to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. We believe the same effects can be translated to the non-profit sector, thus we can jointly have a major impact.

We believe analytics (the application of analytics techniques in real-life cases) are an incredibly powerful tool to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to companies and governments, NGO’s should be empowered to use these tools in their quest for a better world. The combination of both academic knowledge, practical business experience and proven implementation methods are needed to make impact with analytics for NGO’s.
We drive impact on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through the application of analytics through several activities. We bring together the combined power of nonprofits, the academic world and the business world around the theme of SDG-related analytics. To empower nonprofits, we educate their C-level executives, management and specialists in how to use analytics to further their objectives.
To support nonprofits to create impact with analytics, we build analytical roadmaps and jointly deploy analytics projects. Next to that, we conduct and stimulate applied research on analytics aimed to contribute to the SDGs. Lastly, we share everything that we create as open-source through our repository.

You can for example significantly increase the number of people who can avoid hunger and potential death, by using data and models
In five years’ time, I hope that ABW has become a much larger movement with measurable impact and a lot more partners
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