Research – ongoing projects overview
Worldbank GPBP (Timor-Leste, Vietnam)
Kai Kaiser, Dick den Hertog, Joaquim Gromicho, Parvathy Krishnan, Britt van Veggel
A toolbox has been developed that can be used to optimize geospatial healthcare access. This has been used in Timor-Leste to optimize access to hospitals, in Vietnam for stroke centers, and in another country for certain Covid Test centers. An extension of the toolbox has been developed, which will help identify the at-risk road networks in a country based on a risk layer (such as Flood Risk) and the impact of this risk on accessibility to healthcare facilities. The capability of this tool has been demonstrated in Timor Leste.
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WFP wasting project
Chintan Amrat, Mayukh Ghosh
This research project revolved around the development of a better methodology for estimating waste (low weight for height) – to understand how many children are affected and where they are situated in a country. This is an important number for the needs assessment that humanitarians conduct, as addressing this severe form of malnourishment requires a lot of resources.
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Hydrogen research project
Justin Starreveld, Zofia Lukszo, Dick den Hertog
This is an NWO project, together with TU Delft and Tilburg University. We are developing robust optimization methodology to improve investment decisions regarding the production, storage and transportation of hydrogen in the Netherlands..
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Sanquin blood bank
Merel Wemelsfelder, Dick den Hertog, Mart Janssen
An optimization model has been developed to optimize the locations for the blood supply chain. This has been applied to The Netherlands and Finland.
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We advise a small Dutch social enterprise, that has built an app for small farmers in e.g. Africa to improve their cattle feed. This app is used by 12,000 farmers now. Recently, we advised how to include the optimization feed for cows, which is now implemented in the app.
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Valentijn Stienen, Joris Wagenaar, Joann de Zegher, Dick den Hertog
This project is meant to help smallholder farmers in Indonesia, to provide them with better market/road information. In particular, this project GPS information is used to generate a better digital roadmap.
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Making municipal communication accessible to different groups of readers
Claudia Orellano Rodriguez
This project concerns the machine translation of official texts to highlight important points of the documents from Amsterdam’s and other Dutch municipalities. Summaries will provide concise information and relevant points and will make the documents more accessible to readers with time-constraints, diverse education backgrounds, and various language levels.
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Exploring framing strategies adopted in flood coverage by Malawian news media
Claudia Orellano Rodriguez and Marc van den Homberg
Use text mining to detect events and extract impact data to improve early warning for disasters, that is what this project was about. We are exploring how much attention is paid to floods in the news (presence, amount, and length of coverage), how Malawian media frames floods (political, environmental, economic perspectives), and what the trustworthy newspapers that 510 – An Initiative of the Red Cross – should mine to improve early warning for two types of floods: flash floods and river floods.
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