For researchers

Humankind faces big challenges: reducing poverty, combating climate change and ensuring healthcare accessibility. We believe analytics can play an important role in finding solutions. Analytics for a Better World’s mission is to contribute with analytics to the UN Sustainable Development goals, through bringing together three stakeholders (nonprofits, companies and researcher). We jointly pursue an impactful set of activities: Analytics projects, Research on Analytics applications for the SDGs, Teaching the ‘art of the feasible’ in our Academy, and sharing everything we create in our open-source repository.
We believe that Analytics can be of much value to contribute to the big societal challenges in our world. It is encouraging to see that more and more (especially young) Analytics researchers are enthusiastic to use Analytics to make this world a better place. Analytics has already contributed significantly to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The purpose of “Analytics for a Better World Journal ” is to make these contributions more visible, and to stimulate research in this area.

You can for example significantly increase the number of people who can avoid hunger and potential death, by using data and models
Let’s not only squander our gifts and talents on selling more products, but use them to benefit mankind
Most people are good, and most people, especially young ones, are capable of contributing to the world we live in.
- Contribute to the SDGs with your Analytics research
- Get inspired by other high impact ABW research
- Use ABW cases in your courses
- Publish your impactful research in ABW Journal
- ABW research: Get inspired by impactful applications, and use ABW cases in your courses
- ABW journal: Read about impactful research, and submit your own articles
- ABW meetups: Watch previous meetups, and register to watch coming meetups
- ABW repository: Share your work for increased impact, contact us if you have useful models, tools/software/data.
Curious? Join our meetups!
During our meetups Analytics applications will be showed by various experts in the field, that significantly contributed to the SDGs. The focus of the meetups is not on theoretical innovation, but on impact and contribution to the SDGs concerning. Meetups are hosted bi-monthly. In this way you will acquire knowledge and inspiration to use in your own research or lectures. Subscribe to join, or reach out to us if you have a story to share!

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Researchers who already contribute to ABW

Stories of (research) Impact: