ABW Conference 24th of May 2023
Invitation and Programme
On May 24th, 2023, we held our 2023 conference on the impact of Analytics for a Better World (ABW), and celebrated our 1 year anniversary. The event took place both onsite in Amsterdam and virtually, and more than 150 participated!
Our conference brought together a group of inspiring speakers and panelist from our main stakeholders: nonprofits, researchers, and companies. Throughout the day, we shared our impact and progress with Analytics for a Better World and our plans for the coming years. We also discussed the analytics impact projects that we and our network executed, along with the impact from the ABW Academy’s fellowship that attracted many nonprofits from all over the world. Additionally, we introduced our new sponsors and partners who contribute to ABW.
Here is the final schedule of the day.
12:30 Walk-in with coffee at the Amsterdam Business School
13:00 Opening by Marc Salomon (Dean of the Amsterdam Business School and founder of ABW)
13:15 Analytics for a Better World 2022 impact and outlook by Robert Monné (ABW Managing Director), Dick den Hertog (Science to Impact director) and Parvathy Krishnan (CTO)
14:00 Keynotes from our nonprofit partners on the impact of analytics
Arjen Tjallema (Head of Technology The Ocean Cleanup) – Efficiently removing plastic debris from the oceans by applying analytics
Wessel de Jong (Data Scientist at 510 Netherlands Red Cross) – Applying AI for Automated Damage Assessment after disasters
15:00 Parallel panel and presentations #1
Session 1a: Open-source toolkit for improving geospatial accessibility of critical infrastructure. With Kitawa Wemo (AMREF), Helena Ramalhinho Lourenço (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Lutz Venhofen (DHL), Marije Jochemsen (510), Kai Kaiser (The World Bank), Mayukh Ghosh (University of Amsterdam) and Britt van Veggel (University of Amsterdam) – chaired by Parvathy Krishnan and Dick den Hertog
Session 1b: Creating impact at nonprofits with professional analytics support. With Boy Raaijmakers from ORTEC and Bouke Ottow from 510. – chaired by Robert Monné
16:00 Parallel panel and presentations #2
Session 2a: “From Science to Impact”: Creating impact at nonprofits with analytics research. With Prof. Dr. Ir. Hein Fleuren, from Zero Hunger Lab and Tilburg University, Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas from MIT and Prof. Luk Van Wassenhove from INSEAD – chaired by Dick den Hertog
Session 2b: Closing the skills gap by educating data science practitioners at nonprofits. With Dr. Claudia Orellana Rodriguez (ABW) Dana Kathleen Redeña (KadaKareer), Cynthia Muyunda (Development Alternatives Incorporated), Joanne Jan (DataDotOrg) and Jaswinder Singh (Protsahan Foundation India) and Marc Snel (CMotions)– chaired by Parvathy Krishnan
17:00 Plenary closure with introduction of our new sponsors and partners
17:30 Drinks
Watch the recordings of all sessions!

Organizing Team