External Praise of Analytics for a Better World Courses in the Financial Times!

External Praise of Analytics for a Better World Courses in the Financial Times!

Business schools worldwide are responding to the evolving needs of students by incorporating innovative approaches to education. From the integration of virtual reality tools on campus to hands-on interactions with sustainability-driven companies, the landscape of business education is rapidly changing.


This year’s Financial Times Responsible Business Education awards underscore a growing emphasis on sustainability within curricula, particularly in European institutions. Judges for the awards noted a notable trend where schools and colleges of business are collaboratively designing and delivering sustainability programs.


The submissions for this year’s awards delved into some of the most pressing challenges facing the business world today. Themes ranged from promoting sustainability across all business facets to exploring innovative solutions for addressing the climate crisis. Shortlisted topics included climate change mitigation, social entrepreneurship, sustainable transformation, and the intricate relationship between business leadership and its social impact.


This year, the Financial Times has also included the Analytics for a Better World courses, held at the Amsterdam Business School and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the highly commended category of this year’s Responsible Business Education awards.



The courses are taught by Prof. Dick den Hertog and Prof. Joaquim Gromicho and the UvA and Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas at MIT.


As business schools continue to adapt to the changing landscape of education, the spotlight on sustainability not only reflects a commitment to addressing global challenges but also positions these institutions as pioneers in shaping responsible and impactful business leaders. The shift towards sustainability in business education is evident, and the spotlight on European institutions suggests a potential recalibration in the global rankings, signaling a new era where responsible business practices take center stage.

Read the full Financial Times article here 

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