Our founder ORTEC is a proud contributor to IFRC Data Playbook
We’re proud to share our founder ORTEC together with partner 510 has contributed to IFRC’s Data Playbook, which is used to guide data & digital transformation in the whole IFRC network of national societies. We think this is also very relevant (freely accessible) content for our other nonprofit partners:
“Data is a Team Sport with the IFRC Data Playbook
The Data Playbook is ready! Together with the help of 100s of Red Cross Red Crescent staff, volunteers and partners, the Data Playbook launches its first version.
The Data Playbook is 120 exercises, games, scenarios, slides and checklists to assist you and your National Society on your data journey. The social learning content is designed for teams to have discussions and activities across the data lifecycle in short 30 minute to 1 hour sessions.
National Societies are providing humanitarian services to people affected. Some of the common global challenges and main trends are recognized in the IFRC’s Strategy 2030. Going through a digital transformation will help national societies to achieve their goals, by providing increasing speed, quality, effectiveness, accountability and transparency of their humanitarian services. The Data Playbook can help you do that with its adaptable design for your team and programmatic work across the data lifecycle.”