ABW Journal – Accepted paper overview [DEMO]

Welcome to the Analytics for a Better World Journal!


Explore our list of accepted papers that showcase the transformative potential of analytics in addressing real-world challenges. Our journal focuses on the intersection of analytics and social good, featuring analytics research on diverse SDGs such as poverty, climate, hunger, health, education and environment.


Discover the latest advancements in applying analytics for social impact, including novel algorithms, predictive models, ethical considerations, and privacy concerns. Our organized list of papers provides a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in leveraging data analytics to create a better future.


Join us in harnessing the power of analytics to shape a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous world. Start browsing our accepted papers now and be inspired to contribute to positive change through data-driven insights.


Welcome to Analytics for a Better World Journal – where data analytics meets social impact.

  1. Author X – Applying Analytics for X –> example of link to ABW website
  2. Author Y – Optimizing Y for a Better World –> example of link to external website
  3. Author B – Testing optimization
  4. Author C –  SDG Analytics
2023 | Volume 1
2023 | Volume 2
  1. Author X – Applying Analytics for X –> example of link to ABW website
  2. Author Y – Optimizing Y for a Better World –> example of link to external website
  3. Author B – Testing optimization
  4. Author C –  SDG Analytics

Do you want to contibute your paper?

We believe that Analytics can be of much value to contribute to the big societal challenges in our world. It is encouraging to see that more and more (especially young) Analytics researchers are enthusiastic to use Analytics to make this world a better place. Analytics has already contributed significantly to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The purpose of “Analytics for a Better World Journal ” is to make these contributions more visible, and to stimulate research in this area. Take a look at our Observations and Beliefs concerning the ABW journal!

Do you want to contibute your paper?

Read more and submit here!

ABW Journal Committee [EXAMPLE]

Dick den Hertog
Science to Impact co-director
Dick den Hertog is Science to Impact Director at ABW, focusing on the academic journal, meet-ups, research projects and the academy.
Dimitris Bertsimas
Science to Impact co-director
Dimitris Bertsimas is Science to Impact Director at ABW, focusing on the academic journal, meet-ups, research projects and the academy.
Joaquim Gromicho
Lead Architect
Joaquim Gromicho is Science and Education Officer at ORTEC and Professor of Business Analytics at the University of Amsterdam. At ABW, he is contributing to Research projects as a PhD/MSc supervisor, as a lecturer in the ABW Academy and in advanced analytics projects as the Lead Architect, specializing in prescriptions from large scale data driven mathematical optimization models.
Robert Monné
Managing Director
Robert Monné is Managing Director of ABW and focuses on strategy, partnership building and developing the institute.
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