ABW Café Series: What Are Optimal Locations? Showcasing the Power of Optimization with Prof. Joaquim Gromicho

For the second event of the ABW Café Series, we will hear more about the power of optimization from Prof. Joaquim Gromicho!

The Talk

Today, we have more data than ever before, and at Analytics for a Better World, we share smart ways to harvest data that help making the world a better place. This is where the real magic of finding the best possible solutions, or “optimization,” comes into play. In this talk, Prof. Gromicho will make this magic a bit easier to understand, through explaining what works really well, why it works, and how we deal with tough problems to come up with excellent solutions.

Although optimization covers a huge area, Prof. Gromicho will focus on geospatial optimization, within the domain of PISA. You will learn how to find the quickest routes that use real roads and the best locations to place services that can be conveniently accessed. And the cool part? We’ll use some public and well documented Python code that you can try out by yourself after the talk, if you feel like playing and do the magic. It’s like a sneak peek into the heart of how PISA works.

Think of this talk as a simple way to get a glimpse into what happens behind the scenes of optimization. So, join us as we take a closer look at how optimization can change the way we tackle challenges and make decisions.


The event will be held online on Zoom.

Zoom Meeting Details:

Link: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/89703790792?pwd=MmtRWEx2VGFBSGF5cmVneWx6U3pBUT09

Meeting ID: 897 0379 0792
Passcode: ABWCafe

About Prof. Gromicho

Joaquim Gromicho is Science and Education Officer at ORTEC and Professor of Business Analytics at the University of Amsterdam. At ABW, he is contributing to Research projects as a PhD/MSc supervisor, as a lecturer in the ABW Academy and in advanced analytics projects as the Lead Architect, specializing in prescriptions from large scale data driven mathematical optimization models.

Watch the full recording here:


Also, Prof. Gromicho was kind to share the slides used during this presentation. They can be downloaded here: How to find optimal locations.

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